上海沪粤明科学仪器有限公司 主营产品:电子天平|旋转蒸发器|离心机|培养箱|恒温摇床 |
上海沪粤明科学仪器有限公司 主营产品:电子天平|旋转蒸发器|离心机|培养箱|恒温摇床 |
参考价 | 面议 |
Artificai design﹐originative structure﹐hansome appearance and supreme function.
New generation of electromagnetic gauge transducer reliably guaranties the precision of zhe products.
With mang application proguams﹐such as automatic fault detection﹐auto-calibra-tion﹐over-loading protection and so on.
Having zhe functions of counting﹐percentage calculation and unit conversion etc﹐zhe operation is simple and reliable.
Installed with RS232C interface inside﹐zhe products can be directly connected to computer and printers ets.
FA/MA系列电子分析天平 技术参数Specification