当前位置:上海天驹制药机械有限公司>>混合机系列>> HD系列多向运动混合机
H D 系列多向运动混合机是一种广泛 应用于制药化工、食品、轻工等行业及科研单位的新颖物料混合机。该机能非常均匀地混合流动性较好的粉状或颗粒状的物料。 |
HD series Multi directional Movement Mixer is anovel materials mixing machine widely applicable to industries such as pharmaceutical, chemical, foodstuff and light industry as well as R&D.institutes.The machine canperform a very uniformmixing of power or granular materials with a good mobility. |
H D系列多向运动混合机有机座,传动 系统,电器控制系统,多向运动机构,混合桶等部件组成。与物料接触的混合桶采用优质不锈钢材料制造,桶体内外均经镜面抛光。 |
HD series Multi directional Movement Mixer consists of the base, driving system.electric control system, multi-directional ,movement mechanism and mixingtank.The mixing tank to be in contact with the materials are made of quality stainless steel, with both inside and outside of the tank mirror polished. |
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