根据实验室空间要求,您可以选择占地面积非常紧凑的落地式型号(Centrifuge CS 150-FNX)或具有标准配电需要的台式型号(Centrifuge CS 150-NX),以便在实验室内灵活放置。两种型号的噪声水平均低至<45分贝,即使在设备旁工作,也可确保无压力的工作环境。
其他功能包括*的 Automatic Rotor Life Management System可延长转子寿命的RLM系统,以及可在几秒钟内快速轻松地更换转子的自锁转子系统。创新的非接触式失衡传感器可确保安全操作,同时可通过目视检查平衡样品(高达5 毫米)* ,无需通过天平完成耗时的样品平衡操作。
* S140AT、S110AT、S80AT3、S50A转子除外
Find your perfect match
Choose between two compact options to fit your space: a floorstanding model (Centrifuge CS150FNX) with a very compact footprint or a benchtop model (Centrifuge CS150NX) with standard power requirements for a flexible placement within your laboratory.Both devices have a low noise level of <45 dB(A), ensuring a stress-free work environment, even when working directly next to the device.
Balancing of samples is now easier than ever
You can simply balance your samples by visual check only (within 5mm difference between samples, excluding rotors S140AT, S110AT, S80AT3 and S50A).The powerful non-contact imbalance system monitors the vibration of rotor and drive shaft at all times.In case of unusual vibrations, the sensor is activated and the run is stopped immediately.
Tool-free rotor installation
The self-locking rotor system locks the rotor by centrifugal force, you can simply place the rotor on the drive shaft and that's it!No need to lock the rotor with a rotor key or push a button to release it.
Your lab instruments in perfect order and qualified with Eppendorf Services
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